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Showing posts from August, 2020

The trouble with local content

I find many of my clients want to do the same thing that's happening elsewhere in the world on the Internet, but add value with "local content". It makes sense - there are some part of African / East African / Tanzanian / inter-Tanzanian cultures that play into the way we do things, like business, education, behaviour change communication, retail, engineering, etc.  But to what extent? We can't be so different that even best practice is unique.  The "local" in local content only goes as far as language, law of the land and loyalty to certain norms. Outside of these areas, I'm not sure what else makes local content so special. 

On resilience

 Sharp, shrewd and shaky, Beat-down, bridled by brute,  Lost, lonely and livid. Yet... Hopefully, happy, and wholesome, Focussed on family and futures, Strong, confident and resilient. -- Lucy Hone was right : 1. Everyone has grief; 2. Everyone has some good that happens to them; 3. For every thing that you're about to do - assess whether it helps you live or die. lives!

Big news! I found that - probably my first website ever - is still up! . I'm glad because, like this blog, it is a window into the past. It tells me I have been designing websites for over 15 years, that cars were always a thing, and that creating art for the sake of art is precious.