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Showing posts from 2021

Media and Misinformation

Truth is increasingly shaped by media actors, therefore the ethical responsibility over Truth cannot only be left to media actors. It is inevitable, as long as everyone else seeks integrity in Truth, that everyone else needs to do more to think about, investigate, and share or not share media according to what information is most important to be consumed at that place and time.  "Most important" is relative and everyone will have a different compass for this, yes, but that is unavoidable. It may be regional, or chronological, or set in any other anchor, but we cannot afford to have more than one version of Truth in any one of these anchored times/places. 

Walking the talk

Communications appears to be diverting from action.  Many ads promise the world, yet the companies cannot deliver. What, then, is the point of advertising?  If companies walked the talk they advertised, the world might actually have been better. The problem lies in what we envision for ourselves versus what we actually do about it. 

The problem with focus

Focus gets things done. Focus has integrity. Focus encourages growth in one area.  Distraction gets things done slowly. Distraction has inclusiveness. Distraction encourages meaning in many areas.  The problem with Focus is that it needs to validate its meaning in the context of other things happening, while in its definition, it cannot.