Since my last post, a lot's been happening. Seems like every day I review the news, there's a bunch of things that have gone down that I had no idea about. This is partially the reason Neechi and I are working on a filtered news-headlines website... as usual, however, I will keep this under wraps until something has materialized. About the world, though... a military jet place crashed into an urban area in San Diego, California yesterday, killing three civilians. Also in the United States, a plan by the government to "rescue" auto manufacturers is underway. Elsewhere, protests in Greece continue after a school boy was shot to death, raising tensions between the public and police forces. In Zimbabwe, France's Sarkozy has called for Mugabe's resignation , while Jacob Zuma (Zimbabwe opposition leader) has urged that talks are still in progress. And back home in Tanzania, the government is starting to realise that more people lack proper housing than previo...